To get to zero by 2050, Mississippi must cut climate pollution by 3.0 million metric tons of C02 equivalent a year.

Emissions in Mississippi

Million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2e) emissions

We can do it. Here's how.

CO2 Equivalent Emissions in Mississippi by Source
🏭 Other: 31%🔌 Power: 30%🚗 Transport: 35%🏠 Buildings: 4%

    🏠 Buildings

    4% of emissions in Mississippi comes from buildings.

    🏭 Other: 31%🔌 Power: 30%🚗 Transport: 35%🏠 Buildings: 4%

    Mostly from different types of heating.

    Gas furnace, gas water heater, gas stove

    80% of the pollution of your typical home comes from heating your space, water, and food.

    To stop this pollution, we need to replace our furnaces with electric heat pumps, electrify our water heaters, and cook with induction and electricity instead of gas.

    Electric heat pump, electric water heater, induction stove

    There are 1.5 million buildings in Mississippi and 55% of building systems are already electrified.

    We need to electrify the remaining 672,000 buildings in Mississippi. That's around 24,000 per year.

    Percent of Building Systems electrifiedA chart showing the share of Building Systems that have already been electrified and still based in fossil fuel.55.42% have been electrified, and the remaining 44.58% are fossil fuel based.Building Systems ElectrifiedNot yet

    That will solve 4% of the problem.

    🏭 Other: 31%🔌 Power: 30%🚗 Transport: 35%🏠 Buildings: 4%

    🚗 Getting Around

    35% of emissions in Mississippi comes from cars, trucks, and planes.

    🏭 Other: 31%🔌 Power: 30%🚗 Transport: 35%🏠 Buildings: 4%

    Mostly from our cars.

    To cut this pollution, if you have a car, your next one needs to be an electric vehicle (EV).

    Or try going car-free with public transit, bikes/e-bikes, or walking if it works for you.

    Gas emitting car being converted to electric car

    There are 788,000 vehicles in Mississippi and 780 are already electric (0.1% of the total).

    We need to electrify the remaining 788,000 vehicles. That's around 28,000 a year.

    Percent of Vehicles electrifiedA chart showing the share of Vehicles that have already been electrified and still based in fossil fuel.0.1% have been electrified, and the remaining 99.9% are fossil fuel based.Vehicles ElectrifiedNot yet

    That will solve another 35% of the problem.

    🏭 Other: 31%🔌 Power: 30%🚗 Transport: 35%🏠 Buildings: 4%

    🔌 Power Generation

    30% of emissions in Mississippi comes from making power.

    🏭 Other: 31%🔌 Power: 30%🚗 Transport: 35%🏠 Buildings: 4%

    Specifically from coal, gas, and oil plants.

    To cut this pollution, we need to replace all dirty power plants with clean ones (mostly wind and solar).

    We need to replace dirty power plants with clean ones (mostly wind and solar)

    In Mississippi we need to close and replace:

    1 coal plant

    Name: Red Hills Generation Facility
County: Choctaw
Megawatt Capacity: 514
Utility: Choctaw Generation L.P, L.L.L.P.

    Red Hills Generation Facility
    Choctaw County
    514 MW

    25 gas plants

    Name: Daniel Electric Generating Plant
County: Jackson
Megawatt Capacity: 2,229
Utility: Mississippi Power Co

    Daniel Electric Generating Plant
    Jackson County
    2,229 MW

    Name: Baxter Wilson
County: Warren
Megawatt Capacity: 1,328
Utility: Entergy Mississippi LLC

    Baxter Wilson
    Warren County
    1,328 MW

    Name: Watson Electric Generating Plant
County: Harrison
Megawatt Capacity: 1,216
Utility: Mississippi Power Co

    Watson Electric Generating Plant
    Harrison County
    1,216 MW

    Name: Batesville Generation Facility
County: Panola
Megawatt Capacity: 1,183
Utility: Cooperative Energy

    Batesville Generation Facility
    Panola County
    1,183 MW

    Name: Magnolia Combined Cycle Plant
County: Benton
Megawatt Capacity: 1,004
Utility: Tennessee Valley Authority

    Magnolia Combined Cycle Plant
    Benton County
    1,004 MW

    Name: Southaven Combined Cycle Plant
County: Desoto
Megawatt Capacity: 904
Utility: Tennessee Valley Authority

    Southaven Combined Cycle Plant
    Desoto County
    904 MW

    Name: Choctaw County Gen
County: Choctaw
Megawatt Capacity: 899
Utility: Entergy Mississippi LLC

    Choctaw County Gen
    Choctaw County
    899 MW

    Name: Ackerman Combined Cycle Plant
County: Choctaw
Megawatt Capacity: 851
Utility: Tennessee Valley Authority

    Ackerman Combined Cycle Plant
    Choctaw County
    851 MW

    Name: David M Ratcliffe
County: Kemper
Megawatt Capacity: 840
Utility: Mississippi Power Co

    David M Ratcliffe
    Kemper County
    840 MW

    Name: Caledonia
County: Lowndes
Megawatt Capacity: 801
Utility: Tennessee Valley Authority

    Lowndes County
    801 MW

    ...and 15 more

    2 oil plants

    Name: Kemper County
County: Kemper
Megawatt Capacity: 372
Utility: Tennessee Valley Authority

    Kemper County
    Kemper County
    372 MW

    Name: Meridian
County: Lauderdale
Megawatt Capacity: 9
Utility: Tennessee Valley Authority

    Lauderdale County
    9 MW

    ...and help those workers find good jobs.

    But wait! Remember how we electrified all cars and buildings?

    Our machines don't pollute now, because they run on electricity!

    But that means we need to make more power for those new electric machines - twice as much power as we make now!

    And all of it needs to be clean power!

    So to cut the climate pollution from our power, cars, and buildings we need to INSTALL 4,000 MWs of wind and 5,000 MWs of solar.

    Since Mississippi already has 51 megawatts of solar power generation and 0 megawatts of wind power generation, that's 149 Megawatts of wind capacity AND 187 Megawatts of solar capacity a year we need to build.

    Percent to Needed ElectrificationA chart showing the share of Solar and Wind capacity that has already been installed and rest to be installed. We are 1% of the way to what we need to be carbon neutral by 2050.Solar & Wind MWs InstalledRemaining to Install

    That will solve another 30% of the problem.

    🏭 Other: 31%🔌 Power: 30%🚗 Transport: 35%🏠 Buildings: 4%

    🏭 Other Emissions

    The last 31% of emissions in Mississippi comes other sources

    🏭 Other: 31%🔌 Power: 30%🚗 Transport: 35%🏠 Buildings: 4%

    This includes industry, landfills, and farming.

    There's no one solution to solve these problems, but there are a lot of great ideas!

    These include:

    • Regenerative agriculture to sequester carbon in soil
    • Composting to reduce landfill methane emissions
    • New techniques for manufacturing CO2 emitting materials, like concrete

Ready to do your part?

Learn how to electrify your own machines and pass local policy to electrify the rest

Take Action